A Life I'd Like to Emulate

“She felt that somehow, wandering through uncharted territory, we might stumble upon something that will, in an instant, seem to represent who we are at the core.

That was very much her philosophy of life — to not be limited by fear or narrow definitions, to not build walls around ourselves and to do our best to find kinship and beauty in unexpected places.”

- Maya Soetoro-Ng on her mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro (also mother to Barack Obama)

I spotted this ethereal fairy-like weed growing up out of a littered sidewalk just hours before reading the above quote in a spotlight on Barack Obama's mother in The New York Times.

I was in a bit of a hurry, and the person I was with smirked slightly when I stopped to take a picture; but later that morning, as I read about the value this inspiring woman put on such incidental beauties - and how it fed into her overall philosophy on life - I thought: "I am in truly excellent company."

While I assure you this is a non-partisan blog, I encourage you all to glance at The New York Times article about Ms. Soetoro: a testament to fantastic lives lived that aren't often brought to light. The depiction of Ms. Soetoro made me want to cry: To have lived so fully and so spontaneously! To have inspired so many! To have been remembered and written about as such a breathtaking soul!

Ms. Soetoro's existence seems to have left behind an immense reverberation of its caring and overwhelming genuineness - such that I'm inspired to continue tending to my jot of a life-span in the way that I do.

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