Gaudi's House of Bones

So-dubbed because the exterior pillars look like femurs...

...which you can see better here.

And here.

The mouth of the dragon? (Since the estate's official name is: Casa Batlló - The Dragon House).

Whirlpool ceiling... Guadi wanted Caso Batlló to have an underwater feel.

How the mushroom hearth fits into the theme, I don't know.

Glass elevator.

Do you feel underwater yet?

Gold squiggle on the door is Gaudi's actual handwriting.

Outside on the terrace.

"Window boxes." (No really, that's what the tape said, "window boxes.")

Gaudi was obsessed with the parabolic curve (and rib cages).

You will find no straight lines in the house... as in, none... right angles need not apply... exclusively curves.

Which actually reminds me of a favorite quote:

"If they give you lined paper, write the other way." - William Carlos Williams

To which I think Gaudi would say, "touché!"

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