Pre-dance: Volunteers Check-In & Check Each Other Out

So today was the day volunteers from far and wide arrived at the Sundance Film Festival Headquarters in Park City to stand in line for a bit of swag (coffee mug, mail carrier, blanket, a notebook, but no diamonds) and the all-important credential.

Although the credential is just a large plastic name tag hanging on an orange cord, from the proud way it's flaunted, we may as well have been given diamonds. With the coveted pass around our necks we are no longer mere pedestrians, we have joined the ranks of the festival-going elite.

After check-in, Sundance was kind enough to throw its 3000-some volunteers a party at the Legacy Lodge at the Park City Ski Resort (see the slope in the background?)

And as we came up the stairs this is what we saw:

Hats, if you couldn't tell.
Crazy, fantastical, Alice-in-Wonderland-esque, party hats.

Some people went wild went wild customizing them.

Me in my hat. (There is far more wrong with this picture than right, but I'm simply in the frame of mind to post it anyway).

DJ and dancing for those who were not-so-into the hat scene (or had already visited it).

The Decor Theme: Past Sundance Success Stories (Napoleon being the most prominent figure).

Pick a flavor, any flavor. Behold the vodka mixing bar. Create and name your own drink and have it served to you in a cute little baby martini glass.

Behold the vodka mixing bar after sampling a few too many flavors in cute little baby martini glasses.

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