Are Americans all Genetically Modified Organisms???

Wow. So this blog has turned a bit political lately. Sorry. Nothing clears a room faster than soap boxing and politics. But the documentary Food, Inc. premiers in the States this week, and oh my, if I wouldn't love to be among the first to see it.

You see, I have an enormous soft spot for well-done documentaries and anything that doles out criticism of corporate farming, mass-produced over-processed packaged goods and those frightening food conglomerates who make a mockery of capitalism and consumer choice (you did know that when you're at the grocery store you're not choosing between Cool Whip and Dream Whip, oh no, you're choosing between Philip Morris and, oh, Philip Morris... after watching their US tobacco profits dry up, they needed to diversify and try and do us all in with the likes of Cheese Whiz and a whole host of other supposedly edible atrocities. Click on that link, you'll be shocked at what they own.)

My favourite part of the trailer above, however, is when they reveal that "so much of our industrial food turns out to be rearrangements of corn." It's true! My dad's family used to own a little frozen pizza company called Tombstone. They sold it to Kraft years ago (which was since bought by, ha, of course, Philip Morris) and we caught wind that they were experimenting with substituting the tomato sauce with flavoured corn starch to save money. Delicious and nutritious - non?

Eat aware people. Eat aware.

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